Auditions for All-District Band

Registration in October, Auditions in January


Auditions for the All-district band on held at McLean High School in January of each year.  Students must prepare nine major scales (up to four sharps and four flats, as well as C), chromatic scale, a prepared etude, and sight read. 


Full requirments and materials for the audition are posted in the Schoology in September of each academic year.


Auditions for Herndon high school



Though it is not mandtory to audition for the High School Band, there is an audtion for the Symphonic Winds and the Wind Ensemble


Materials will be posted in Winter/Spring




Upcoming Events

Monday, August 22nd

First Day of School


Wednesday, September 7th

Band Parent Association Meeting

7:00 PM -Zoom link to be provided


Tuesday, September 20th

Ice Cream Social

After School 2:45 - 3:45


Saturday, September 24th

Herndon High School Showcase of Bands - Volunteers Needed


Saturday, October 8th

Middle School Band Day @ 

Herndon HS Homecoming

11:30 - 3:30 



Brian Fisher

Telephone:  703-904-4841


Quick Links

Log onto Schoology for the most updated Weekly Assignments. 



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© Herndon Middle School Bands, 2019