Private Lessons

Private lessons are not required, but are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. There are many private instructors in our area, and cost and length of lessons vary. Private lessons are an excellent opportunity for student musicians to improve their skills and make the most possible musical progress. Interaction between a young musician and a skilled teacher provides a wealth of motivation and knowledge that can only be achieved through private instruction. Private lessons work well with all levels of students:

--Advanced musicians: advanced techniques and extra challenges are possible

--Average level: focus on the musical needs and progressive skills of the student

--Basic level: extra help or “catch up” with progress of band class or grade level

Upcoming Events

Monday, August 22nd

First Day of School


Wednesday, September 7th

Band Parent Association Meeting

7:00 PM -Zoom link to be provided


Tuesday, September 20th

Ice Cream Social

After School 2:45 - 3:45


Saturday, September 24th

Herndon High School Showcase of Bands - Volunteers Needed


Saturday, October 8th

Middle School Band Day @ 

Herndon HS Homecoming

11:30 - 3:30 



Brian Fisher

Telephone:  703-904-4841


Quick Links

Log onto Schoology for the most updated Weekly Assignments. 



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© Herndon Middle School Bands, 2019